We’re here and ready to help 

We know that these are uncertain and challenging times, and your vehicle should be the least of your worries. That’s why GMC and your GMC dealer are here and committed to helping you in any way we can – from answering your questions to servicing your vehicle and everything in-between. 

Give us a call 

Your vehicle concerns are important to us. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback. 


United Arab Emirates:      80002000257

Kuwait:                                +20221600508

Saudi Arabia:                      8008200048

Qatar:                                  8000163

Bahrain:                              80004434

Lebanon:                            +20238272817

Iraq:                                    +20238272817

Jordan:                                80022482

Oman:                                 80077607

Yemen:                               +20238272817


United Arabi Emirates:         800035702828

Kuwait:                                   +96522062975

Saudi Arabia:

STC: 8008973779, MOBILY: 8008500006

ZAIN: 8008500006

Qatar:                                     0080097318

Bahrain:                                 80001779

Lebanon:                                +9611613334

Iraq:                                        +96265008145

Jordan:                                   065008145

Oman:                                    +96824799199

Yemen:                                  +20238272817

Roadside Assistance representatives are available via telephone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 


+002 0238272817 

Buy Online. Deliver to your home. 

If you’re in need of a new vehicle but don’t want to visit a dealership, we offer the ability to shop online from your participating dealer and have your vehicle delivered to your home. It’s just another way we’re doing our part. 

If you’re in need of a new vehicle but don’t want to visit a dealership, we offer the ability to shop online from your participating dealer and have your vehicle delivered to your home. It’s just another way we’re doing our part. 

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